Shareholding Structure

Ahlibank Shareholding Structure

Public and Institutions
Qatar Investment Authority
Name Number of Shares
Nominal Value Holding
Qatari firms & individuals and Others
(No shareholder owns more than 5% of the
Bank capital)
Qatar Investment Authority (QIA)*
1,217,047,575 1,217,047,575

* Directly and indirectly through subsidiaries
Based on the announcement of EDAA, shareholders who own more than 5% of Ahli Bank (QPSC). shares, whether directly or indirectly, are kindly requested to complete and submit the EDAA disclosure form to the Bank. In case the ratios of ownership are exceeded, the shareholder must dispose of the excess ownership in accordance with the decisions of QFMA and Qatar Central Bank relating to the limits and conditions of owning shares in companies listed on Qatar Exchange.

Click here to download EDAA announcement and form on disclosure of shareholders who own more than 5% of Ahli Bank (QPSC). shares

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