News / Press Releases

Reminder - Ahlibank to hold its Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting on February 28, 2023.

23 February 2023
The Board of Directors of Ahli Bank QPSC (the “Bank”) is pleased to invite the valued shareholders to attend the Annual General Meeting to be held on Tuesday 28/02/2023 at 4:30 pm, at Le Crillon Ballroom, La Cigale Hotel, Doha, Qatar and/or through visual communication, to be immediately followed by an Extraordinary General Meeting, to discuss the Agenda.
In case the quorum of either of the Annual General Meeting or the Extraordinary General Meeting is not met, the second adjourned meeting shall be held at the same venue on Monday 06/03/2023 at 4:30 pm.

For more information about the agenda, board of directors’ report and consolidated financial report, please click here.

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